Prices and payment options

A plustur dial-a-ride service costs DKK 3 per km, min. DKK 25.

You can pay for your plustur with one of the following tickets:

  • Midttrafik tickets
  • Rejsebillet app
  • DSB or GoCollective tickets (DSB Orange tickets are not valid)
  • Nordjyllands Trafikselskab or Sydtrafik tickets
  • Rejsekort Commuter Pass or Rejsekort with Commuter Combi (Rejsekort with commuter area)
  • Ungdomskort (youth card)
  • Soldaterkort (multi trip ticket for national servicemen and women)

The ticket which you use to pay with must be valid on the route being driven by the plustur dial-a-ride service. The same rules apply for the ticket regarding boarding as for buses. For example, a ticket covers a trip between Hinnerup and Herning, but the plustur runs from Solkær to Hinnerup. Here, you need to buy a ticket or have a card which covers the trip from Solkær to Hinnerup and another ticket for the trip between Hinnerup and Herning.

If you can travel free of charge on the buses in the municipality where you are using a plustur dial-a-ride service, you still need to buy a ticket/have a card that covers the plustur route.

You must show the ticket or the card to the driver on getting into the vehicle. If you are unable to do so, you will not be driven.

You can choose how you want to pay when booking the trip.

Payment options

You can choose how you want to pay when booking the trip.

Read more about payment options in the travel rules