Flextur prices

The standard price is DKK 8 per km, min. DKK 39.

The price can be as low as DKK 3 per km, min. DKK 25, if the trip is to or from a transport hub. The price is DKK 8 per km after 20 km.

If you are travelling within or to/from a city zone (no transport hub), the price is DKK 17 per km, min. DKK 114.

Payment options

You can choose how you want to pay when booking the trip.

Read more about the different payment options

Transport hubs and city zones

The map shows which transport hubs are located close to you. It also shows the city zones. The individual municipality decides the number and location of the transport hubs and city zones.

If you click on a transport hub an info box appears with a link to Rejseplanen where the transport hub is entered as the destination address.

If you are unable to use the map, you will find a list of transport hubs in your municipality.