
The age limit for qualifying for a senior discount is being raised from 65 to 67 years on 1 July 2022. More information

Persons aged 65 years and over and persons who have taken early retirement or who receive a senior pension can purchase transit tickets at special senior rates. There is also a special discount on Rejsekort and multi-trip tickets in the Midttrafik app.

You must be able to document your age e.g. with a driving licence, ID card or similar if you have bought a ticket or card at a special senior price.

If you have a different type of pension etc. and are entitled to purchase a card at a senior price, you must be able to present a special ID card as documentation.

If you have a valid pension notification, you can take it to a DSB or Arriva station and receive a free ID card which you must take on your trip. The ID card is valid for 3 years. Remember to take a suitable passport photo.

Updated 15 March 2022