Travel guarantee: Bus, light rail and rail

The travel guarantee covers car or taxi expenses if we are responsible for you being more than 20 minutes late reaching your destination. However, there are exceptions, which you can read more about under ‘When does the travel guarantee not apply?’.

It is your own decision to take a taxi or drive your own car in order to avoid further delay.

You can use the travel guarantee when you travel on Midttrafik buses, Letbanen or Midtjyske Jernbaner trains. 

Travel guarantee – instant approval

Instant approval of the travel guarantee is a preliminary approval that Midttrafik will cover your expenses in connection with travelling by taxi or private car as per the travel guarantee rules.

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How to use the travel guarantee

First, make sure that you fulfil the conditions for when the travel guarantee applies.

Call for a taxi or drive your own car. We refund travel expenses up to 75 km by taxi or 75 km there and back by car. You pay the costs yourself. If you travel by taxi, you must remember to obtain a taxi receipt showing the number of kilometres driven, and which must be submitted together with your application for a refund. Dankort receipts, MobilePay receipts, bank statements etc. do not qualify as valid documentation.

To ensure fast case processing, please submit your application no later than 14 days after the delay which is covered by the travel guarantee. The time limit for applying for a refund under the travel guarantee is three years. 

If your application is accepted, we will normally credit the amount to your NemKonto account max. 10 working days after we have received it.

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When does the travel guarantee apply?

The travel guarantee covers situations where:

  • Your bus, Letbanen or Midtjyske Jernbaner train is more than 20 minutes late
  • Your bus, Letbanen or Midtjyske Jernbaner train has departed more than 1 minute before the time stated in the timetable and there is more than 20 minutes until the next departure*
  • Your bus, Letbanen or Midtjyske Jernbaner train drives past you without stopping, and it is more than 20 minutes until the next departure**/***
  • Your bus, Letbanen or Midtjyske Jernbaner train is full and you are refused admission, and it is more than 20 minutes until the next departure
  • Your bus, Letbanen or Midtjyske Jernbaner train is delayed to such an extent that you miss your connection to another Midttrafik bus, Letbanen or Midtjyske Jernbaner train, and if as a result of this you are more than 20 minutes late reaching your destination (the travel guarantee applies to connections shown in the timetable. The travel guarantee covers other connections if you have at least 4 minutes to change bus, Letbanen or Midtjyske Jernbaner train plus any walking time to another stop. If, for example, it is a 3-minute walk, you must have a total of at least 7 minutes for your connection.)

Consider whether you can use another bus connection before ordering a taxi or driving. If you change to another Midttrafik bus, Letbanen or a Midtjyske Jernbaner train, you must drive to the connection stop or the nearest possible stop on the connection route.

If you need to travel further than 75 km, you can drive to the nearest transport hub, from where you can usually find further transport options.

If you are one of several passengers at the stop who should have been on the same bus, Letbanen or Midtjyske Jernbaner train, you can take a taxi or drive by car together. You can drive up to 75 km per person. Here, the travel guarantee only covers transport to the destination which the bus, Letbanen or Midtjyske Jernbaner train would have driven to – from the destination where your journey was interrupted or delayed. When travelling by private car, you can be reimbursed for the shortest distance (km) between the destinations.

* 925X airport bus: Departure times from Aarhus Airport are approximate. Once all passengers have come through the arrivals area, the bus will not necessarily wait until its scheduled departure time before leaving.

** You must have been at the bus stop for at least 1 minute before the scheduled departure, and you must make yourself visible to the driver – i.e. step forwards when the bus approaches, and use a torch or reflector when it is dark. 

*** If you wanted to board the bus between stops, the conditions for wave-down sections must be met, and you must have made every effort to signal to the bus driver in good time that you want it to stop.

The conditions for wave-down sections are:

  • It must be outside a town/city, i.e. in a rural area.
  • There is a distance of more than 600 metres between the bus stops, i.e. min. 300 metres to the nearest bus stop.
  • The bus will only stop in places where it is lawful to stop under the Danish Traffic Act. It is the driver who decides whether it is legal and reasonable to stop the bus – irrespective of whether it may be designated as a wave-down section in Rejseplanen.

The driver will always be consulted in connection with applications for refunds under the travel guarantee on wave-down sections, and the application will be dismissed if the driver assesses that it was illegal or unreasonable to stop at the place in question.

Letbanen and Midtjyske Jernbaner – if you are delayed by more than one hour

If you are delayed by more than one hour when travelling with Letbanen or Midtjyske Jernbaner as a result of train delays/disruptions, you can apply for a ticket refund.

A ticket refund cannot be combined with a taxi fare refund or reimbursement for travelling in a private car.

This refund policy applies to the following ticket types: Single trip ticket from vending machine, tickets or trips purchased via the Midttrafik app, transit ticket/travel cards or Rejsekort. 

We use the following rates to calculate the refund:

  • 25% of the ticket price is refunded for delays of 60-119 minutes
  • 50% of the ticket price is refunded for delays of 120 minutes or more
  • Commuters: 50% of the day price is refunded for delays of 60 minutes or more

If there are delays of 60 minutes or more during your train journey, you are welcome to cancel the journey and return to your departure station on the same ticket. In addition, you can have a replacement ticket issued for the Midttrafik app.

Furthermore, if you are delayed by more than 60 minutes when travelling by train, you are entitled to compensation for a light meal and beverage against a receipt. Midttrafik offers a refund of up to DKK 50 when you buy a light meal and beverage in a nearby shop. This could, for instance, be a bread roll and a soft drink.

A refund for food and a beverage cannot be combined with a taxi fare refund or reimbursement for travelling in a private car.

We do not offer any refunds for purchased alcoholic beverages, tobacco, magazines, newspapers etc. 

There is a minimum refund amount of DKK 25 per person for the above refund options, which means that refunds of less than DKK 25 per person are not paid.

If you want to apply for a refund for food/a beverage due to a delayed journey, it is necessary to mention it in the comments field when completing the form. 

DSB and GoCollective have their own travel guarantees

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When does the travel guarantee not apply?

The travel guarantee does not apply:

  • In the case of force majeure (the travel guarantee does apply however if Letbanen is delayed or cancelled due to frost on the overhead lines)
  • Buses for events (e.g. Grøn Koncert and Smukfest) that are advertised on Buses for events
  • When using Flexbus – including connections to and from flexbus. See the travel guarantee for flexbus
  • For groups of more than 8 persons. However, institutions which have booked seats can use the travel guarantee
  • If the bus, Letbanen or Midtjyske Jernbaner train has departed less than 1 minute before the time stated in the timetable
  • If the delay has been caused by circumstances outside Midttrafik’s control. This could include, for example, work stoppages, roadblocks, bad weather in the form of heavy snow, ice, high winds etc., traffic accidents or sudden incidents where travel by bus, truck etc. on the same route would have been similarly affected
  • If Midttrafik had advised passengers of operational changes at or no later than 24 hours in advance
  • If you are delayed in connection with changing to or from flexbus, DSB or GoCollective trains, flights, ferries or buses from a different transport company or a private bus company
  • In connection with delays that are due to inadequate information, incorrect information and/or possible errors on Midttrafik live or Rejseplanen
  • In connection with delays which are due to inadequate or incorrect information in Google Maps and other third-party services that use data from or Rejseplanen
  • Expenses for lost earnings.
  • Any part of the journey you would have taken by flextrafik, DSB or GoCollective train, air, ferry or buses from a private bus company (e.g. cost of new ticket)
  • Other expenses, for example parking

If you are in any doubt about whether the travel guarantee applies, you can call Midttrafik Customer Service on tel. +45 7021 0230

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What does the travel guarantee cover?

Midttrafik’s travel guarantee covers travel expenses incurred from journeys by taxi (against a receipt) or private car (according to the government’s mileage rate) up to a distance of 75 kilometres. Please note that applications for a refund must be made by the driver of the car.

Only expenses incurred in connection with reaching the destination by taxi or car which the bus, Letbanen or Midtjyske Jernbaner train would have driven to will be refunded – starting from the destination where your journey was interrupted or delayed. When travelling by private car, you can be reimbursed for the shortest distance (km) between the destinations. No parking expenses are refunded.

If you are delayed by more than one hour when travelling with Letbanen or Midtjyske Jernbaner as a result of train delays/disruptions, you can apply for a ticket refund.

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Application form for travel guarantee – what to do?


Fill in an online application form

Midttrafik must receive your application within 14 days of you using the travel guarantee. Failure to submit within 14 days does not mean that you cannot receive compensation, since the period of limitation is 3 years.

Remember to fill in your CPR. number og your IBAN and SWIFT code.

You can see how we process your personal information in Midttrafik's privacy policy

Your information will be sent encrypted to Midttrafik. 

If you are entitled to compensation, the travel guarantee is paid out in DKK. Costs associated with the transaction are to be shared between Midttrafik and the customer, equivalent to costs incurred in each country.


You can also print out an application form and deliver it in person or send it to us.

Remember to attach your taxi receipt.

Application form (pdf)

Søren Nymarks Vej 3, 8270 Højbjerg
Please mark the envelope: Travel Guarantee


Midttrafik Customer Services
Aarhus Rutebilstation
Fredensgade 45, 8000 Aarhus C
Please mark the envelope: Travel Guarantee