Transit ticket

A transit ticket is a personal ticket which you can use for travelling by bus, Letbanen and train. A transit ticket gives you unlimited travel for a fixed price – within your chosen area. You must buy min. 30 days of travel.

The transit ticket is the cheapest ticket if you travel often on the same route e.g. to and from work. 

See prices

You can use your transit ticket on buses, Letbanen and trains in your chosen area because it is a joint Midttrafik, DSB and GoCollective product.

You can choose whether to buy your transit ticket in RejseBillet, in the Midttrafik app or at Rejsekort

Need a more flexible ticket?

PendlerKlip is a flexible alternative to the transit ticket. You buy 17 days of travel – of your own choice – and travel more cheaply than with a conventional multi-trip ticket or Rejsekort. 

Using PendlerKlip – or multi-trip transit ticket – it’s now easier to work from home one day and travel into work the next.

Read more about PendlerKlip