Application for travel guarantee

All fields marked with * must be filled in.

Your information will be sent encrypted to Midttrafik. 

You can see how we process your personal information in Midttrafik's privacy policy

Please note that in the period 14 May to 6 Juni we unfortunately cannot pay out refunds due to the new financial system. As soon as our new financial system is operational during week 23, we will start paying out the pending refunds. There will be a longer turnaround time than usual.

Travel details
Describe what happened in connection with your planned journey
Information about your travel by taxi

Remember to attach a copy of the original taxi receipt. The refund is up to maximum 75 km.

Information about your travel by car

It is the driver who needs to apply. The refund is up to maximum 75 km in total for both ways.

Fill in if you have expenses for catering for train / light rail delays of more than 60 minutes*
*You can NOT cover expenses for spirits, cigarettes, tobacco, magazines, newspapers, games etc.
Remember to attach a copy of the original receipt (max. DKK 50).
Personal information
Payment through your NemKonto
Fill in your CPR number WITHOUT hyphen

*Your CPR number will only be uses to identify your NemKonto

Payment through your bank account