Inspection fee

Midttrafik is implementing a new financial system. This means that in the period from 16 May to 6 June, collections for control fees will not be sent. You will receive the charge in your e-Boks after 6 June.

This also means that Midttrafik cannot see or register payments from the bank during the period. Deposits via the bank will be registered after 6 June.

Please use this form if you want to complain about an inspection fee. You may experience long response times due to extraordinary busyness.

See Q&As about inspection fees

If you have questions about your inspection fee, please contact us at +45 87 40 82 00. Be aware that there is no student discount on this kind of fees. You can read more about the rules for ticketing and ticket control in Midttrafik’s travel regulations

All fields marked with * must be filled in.

Your information will be sent encrypted to Midttrafik. You can see how we process your personal information in Midttrafik's privacy policy

On the picture you can see where to find the fine number on the giro form.

Click to see af larger picture.